come in handy — {v. phr.}, {informal} To prove useful. * /Robinson Crusoe found tools in the ship which came in handy when he built a house./ * /The French he learned in high school came in handy when he was in the army in France./ … Dictionary of American idioms
come in handy — {v. phr.}, {informal} To prove useful. * /Robinson Crusoe found tools in the ship which came in handy when he built a house./ * /The French he learned in high school came in handy when he was in the army in France./ … Dictionary of American idioms
come in handy — verb be useful for a certain purpose (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑be • Verb Frames: Something s * * * come in handy phrase to be useful in a particular situation I knew this jacket would come in handy one day … Useful english dictionary
come in handy — To say that something may come in handy means that it may be useful some time or other. Don t throw away those old shelves; they may come in handy one day … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
come in handy — verb To be useful or helpful, especially at some time in the future. Even though he doesnt really know how to use them, he keeps the tools around, figuring they might come in handy someday … Wiktionary
come in handy — prove to be useful I think that the small hammer will come in handy to fix the desk … Idioms and examples
come in handy — to be useful in a particular situation I knew this jacket would come in handy one day … English dictionary
come\ in\ handy — v. phr. informal To prove useful. Robinson Crusoe found tools in the ship which came in handy when he built a house. The French he learned in high school came in handy when he was in the army in France … Словарь американских идиом
come in handy — informal turn out to be useful. → handy … English new terms dictionary
come in handy — to be useful. My son s wagon comes in handy when I have to move anything heavy … New idioms dictionary
come in handy — be useful, serve a purpose … English contemporary dictionary